
Here the tools that contribute to the planning and presentation of the second group assignment for Thirty Seven can be found. This page has the detailing of the group's GitHub repository, information pertaining to the group's meet ups on Teams, such as the session recordings, the minutes and actions from the agenda's of each meeting can also be found in their corresponding folder. The group's contribution form, GitHub contribution link and our project presentation on YouTube..

- GitHub Repository

- Group Website

- Link to Teams for Thirty Seven


- 13/05/22 Agenda and Actions | Recording

- 18/05/22 Agenda and Actions | Recording

- 23/05/22 Agenda and Actions | Recording

- Self & Group Reflection

- GitHub Contribution

- Downloadable copy of the Group Report

Our Presentation

When working as a team, it is important to work to each others strengths so on that note it is understood that our audit trail on github isn't necessarily the most fair display of what work was done by who. The group has worked well to endeavour what we feel is a positive result through the use of technologies available, such as Teams and Discord for communications. Our meetings show that we had an enlightening dynamic and one that is rare to find even of the most optimal working environments.

Keaton provided the Python program artefact as well as the Mobile Application Developer for Skills and Jobs.

Dean and Sean worked together to contribute majority of the Project Plan component and the organisation of the Contribution Forms and Group Reflection pieces. Dean provided the skills and jobs Data Engineer and Project Description with Nelson.

Nelson provided the Adobe XD artefact for the consumer and business+ app. The website design and graphic assets as well as the video presentations done through Premiere Pro, PDF documents. Website content: IT Project Manager and User Experience and Interface skills and jobs. Roles and Timeframe components under Project Plan and Project Description with Dean.