In the “learning style test” my results were 35% Auditory 40% Visual and 25% Tactile. This is a mostly even split with me being slightly biased towards Auditory and Visual learning, and slightly biased against Tactile learning. Some things I can utilise to get the most out of visual learning is avoid distractions when studying and visualise things I hear. For the auditory aspect when reading aloud is important to make sure I remember the information.
The Big 5 personality test takes into account factors In “The Big Five” test I scored High in neuroticism and agreeableness and low in Extraversion, Openness to experience and conscientious. I tend to think I get along with almost anyway and my high agreeableness reflects that. High agreeableness also means I care about others and assist when needed. The low score in extroversion correlates to the previously mentioned introvert personality type. People with low openness tend to be more practical and conventional in their methods, as well as not being as creative and imaginative. I struggle with creative work and do better when the work is more structured. Scoring on the lower end of continuousness means I need to work my organization skills and plan better as these skills are lacking. The high neuroticism tends to mean they are prone to stress and anxiety, which I can relate to when in high pressure situations.
My high agreeableness means I will work well in a team due to being highly cooperative. I also believe being empathetic to my teammates will mean I will be able to avoid any conflicts. In a group due to being introverted I will most likely not be the chattiest person and will tend to follow rather than lead a team. Knowing this someone else should be a leader in the group. Due to my lower continuousness score it will be best if others handle the organizing side of group work.